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Sandra Easter uses writing to express herself. She is in love with stories of magical beings, science fiction, and fantasy. Delving into the world of the written word, mythical creatures are often the characters of her stories. She thoroughly enjoys comics with Harley Quinn, arts and reading anything she can get her hands on. She currently lives in Florida.


ISBN 13 (TP): 9781490731629

ISBN 13 (HB): 9781490731643

ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781490731636

Not your ordinary teenage novel, Incarnate has an immersive plot that mixes fun, mystery and suspense, giving readers an exhilarating experience!


Renée thinks that her biggest problem was dealing with her divorced parents and graduating from high school. She is dead wrong. One day, she discovers her friends are not really who they seem.From terrifying dreams to her feelings for Gage, everything in her life changes so fast. Secrets are being revealed and danger grows closer each day. Graduation is the last thing on her mind.The “Unseelie Queen” who had killed her for the past few centuries repetitively is after her again.This time, armed with memories, friends, and the Seelie Fae court, will she be able to escape death?


ISBN- 9781310385438


Renee has been taken by the Unseelie queen Mabh. As her friends painstakingly search for her, she is tortured in front of a audience of Mabh and her sadistic subjects. She undergoes a series of changes that only one being can help her understand. But not until they pay a price they may not be able to accomplish. New characters make their way into her life with ulterior motives that she is blind to. Her changes cloud her judgement causing Renee to battle the self she used to be and who she is becoming. Pain, betrayal and uncertainty follow Renee through this second installment of the Incarnate series. Secrets are revealed and her trust will be tested. 


ISBN- 9781508846796


Book three of the Incarnate series.


Renee’s journey continues with her friends at her side as they travel from Japan to Ireland where the trail to her parents lead. With each passing moment, Renee’s hidden nature is being pushed to the surface in frightening bursts of power. Something is on the horizon, but none of them are sure what it is, or how they’ll deal with it. 

Calla keeps breaking through Renee’s consciousness, leaving her in the back recesses of her mind. Gage and Castile fight to keep her in the forefront of her mind and keep her existence a secret from other nefarious players in the game of acquisition. They must find her parents before she loses herself or harms someone she loves. 

The question is, who’s hunting her, and are her parents still alive?

"The Forbidden"



Kyle grew up in the illustrious Lockland family hating politics, greed, and stupidity. He thrived under their protection after his mother's death until he gained his own fortune. His father constantly reminds him of his responsibility to keep his line going so that Ancestor, the family's ancestral ghost (their source of power), does not gain another amulet and in turn more corporeal form and power. He stays in a perpetual routine of weekly meetings with his father, observing stocks, and practicing magick after a brief visit to the local witch's bar. That is until he finds a box of his mother's old things filled with secrets. Family secrets. In this family...the secrets can kill.

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